The Woods of Ill Omen are a desolate, eerie forest dominated by dead and decaying trees. A light, cool mist seeps from the ground, carrying a bitter, acidic odor. Vegetation struggles to thrive, often twisting into thorny tangles that glisten with toxic sap. These plants create treacherous hazards for any who venture too close.
At the heart of the woods stands the foreboding Tree of Woe, a massive, gnarled tree with rusted metal cages hanging from its branches. Some cages hold rotting bones—remnants of prisoners left to die for unknown reasons. The area is alive with ominous activity: ravens crowd the tree’s branches, their beady eyes watching intruders, while eerie scarecrows line the clearing’s perimeter.
In the Southwestern woods, a small cave nestles into the surrounding hills. A faint, mysterious light flickers from its depths, visible even through the thick forest.
To the Northwest, a smaller tree marks a pair of graves, one of which has been recently disturbed. The loose topsoil suggests an interrupted grave robbery, though no evidence remains of who—or what—halted the act.
Encounters in the Wood of Ill Omen
The Woods of Ill Omen bristle with danger and mystery, making them a perfect setting for unique and memorable encounters. Whether your players are unraveling the forest’s dark history, contending with its twisted guardians, or stumbling upon hidden treasures, these woods promise intrigue at every turn. Below are a few encounter ideas to inspire your campaign.
Silent Sentries
The scarecrows surrounding the Tree of Woe are far more than weathered decorations. As players approach the clearing, the scarecrows may suddenly animate, revealing their role as sinister guardians. Alternatively, they might act as silent sentries, observing intruders and relaying their presence to a master deeper in the woods. Keen adventurers might notice subtle signs—unusual stitching, faint magical auras—that betray their true nature before it’s too late.
Watchful Eyes
The ravens perched in the Tree of Woe are an unsettling sight, their dark eyes following every movement. If disturbed, the flock may scatter into the forest, their cries echoing like an alarm. These birds may be messengers for a Druid or corrupted force, their sudden flight a signal of danger. Adventurers brave enough to investigate their roost might find a strange object hidden among the branches, offering a clue to the forest’s dark history.
The Last Prisoner
One cage among the many dangling from the Tree of Woe holds a prisoner—alive, but barely. This unfortunate soul may plead for rescue, offering cryptic warnings about the dangers of the woods or promises of reward. However, appearances can be deceiving. The prisoner might be cursed, hiding a monstrous form that emerges when freed, or they could hold vital information that leads the party toward an even greater peril.
The Cave’s Mystery
A faint light flickers from the cave in the Southwestern woods, a beacon cutting through the misty gloom. The source of the light could be anything: a lone survivor, a magical artifact, or the glowing eyes of a predator awaiting its next meal. If the players investigate, they might uncover signs of past inhabitants or clues to the fate of the grave robbers whose efforts were halted nearby. The cave offers a chance for exploration and a glimpse into the secrets buried within these cursed woods.
Grave Secrets
The two graves under the small tree in the Northwestern woods bear silent witness to the past, but one has been recently disturbed. Closer inspection reveals loose soil and faint signs of a scuffle, though the culprits are nowhere to be found. Inside the grave might lie items that hint at the buried individuals’ stories—letters, heirlooms, or even a magical artifact buried with its owner. These discoveries could connect to the broader lore of the world, revealing the graves’ significance or sparking further questions. Alternatively, disturbing the grave might awaken a restless spirit or unleash a curse tied to the land.
Optional Rules for the Wood of Ill Omen
The Woods of Ill Omen are as dangerous as they are mysterious, with environmental hazards and supernatural influences adding depth to the setting. These rules can heighten tension, test your players’ creativity, and immerse them in the foreboding atmosphere. Remember that these are just suggestions and any values should be adjusted to fit the players.
Thorny Vegetation
Summary: The woods are filled with toxic, thorny plants that pose a physical threat to those navigating its terrain.
How to Apply: When players move through overgrown sections of the forest, they must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13) to avoid brushing against the thorny tangles. On a failed save, they take 1d4 slashing damage and 1d4 acid damage as the sap burns their skin. Clever solutions, such as burning or clearing the vegetation, can allow passage without harm.
Aura of Woe
Summary: The Tree of Woe exudes a malevolent aura that unnerves those who come too close.
How to Apply: Any creature within 30 feet of the Tree of Woe must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 14). On a failed save, they are overwhelmed by a sense of despair, suffering disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for 1 minute. Characters immune to fear effects are unaffected. This effect can only occur once per creature per long rest.
Curse of the Grave
Summary: Disturbing the graves in the Northwestern woods may bring misfortune upon the party.
How to Apply: Any attempt to open or disturb the graves triggers a curse. Affected players must succeed on a Charisma saving throw (DC 15) or suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks for the next 24 hours. Removing the curse requires a Remove Curse spell or a similar magical cleansing ritual.
Corrupting Presence
Summary: Prolonged exposure to the acidic mist and twisted energy of the woods can affect the players’ physical and mental well-being.
How to Apply: After spending more than an hour in the woods, each party member must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 12). On a failed save, they gain one level of exhaustion due to the toxic environment and oppressive atmosphere. Alternatively, they could experience unsettling hallucinations, requiring a Wisdom saving throw (DC 14) to resist becoming frightened for 1 minute.
Swarming Flock
Summary: The ravens roosting in the Tree of Woe are more than simple birds—they act as both spies and a potential threat.
How to Apply: Entering the Tree of Woe’s clearing may trigger the ravens to swarm. All players in the area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13) to avoid 2d6 piercing damage from the chaotic flurry. Attempts to calm or deter the birds using magic or an Animal Handling check (DC 15) can mitigate the hazard.
Spoiled Provisions
Summary: The environment’s corruption extends to food and water supplies.
How to Apply: If the players consume rations or water while in the woods, there’s a 50% chance the provisions spoil due to the toxic influence. Spoiled food induces nausea, causing players to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 12). On a failure, they gain the Poisoned condition for 1 hour. Clever parties might purify their food using magic like Purify Food and Drink.