Campfire Games


A map showing the city of Emberthrone

Nestled in the shadows of the Spires of Aeltharis, Emberthrone was once a proud and prosperous stopping point on a thriving trade route. As the long time home to the noble House of Aylmuth, Emberthrone’s rise and fall has mirrored that of the house’s. During its height, the great Aylmuth Keep was constructed cementing its status as a major waypoint and economic hub along trade routes. Merchants and nobles prospered with access to nearby natural resources and routes through the mountains into the neighboring province of Lyranthia.

As the influence and fortune of House Aylmuth began its decline, trade began to filter through other cities instead. Once busy roads became less travelled and easily targeted by bandits or sabotage. No longer doing lucrative business merchants were forced to travel elsewhere. Now at the end of its steady decline Emberthrone remains as a remnant of its glorious past. Those who remain loyal to House Aylmuth still reside here – either clinging to its past or hopeful for what the future may hold.

Set in the Aeltharis campaign world, Emberthrone is a city full of history, intrigue and hidden dangers ready for adventurers to explore. You can read more about this setting on the blog which provides a detailed look into the entire world of Aeltharis.

Key Locations and Landmarks

Although the city is now only a shadow of its former glory there is still much to explore here. Emberthrone has long been an important stopping point in the long trade routes through Iryndor where merchants and traders can exchange goods. Nearby timber and ore made it an industrious hub of bountiful resources. Even religions saw the importance and potential of the city and founded important structures within.

Market Square

The outdoor market greets travellers entering Emberthrone from the southern highway that follows the Emberthrone River. Filled with colorful stalls, warehouses and trade workshops the market is a vibrant hub of the city. At its peak this is where fledgling merchants and traders came to make their name and fortunes. Even now as a shadow of those times, merchant families and trade guilds still hold sway with plenty of back-alley deals and trades of fine or exotic goods. The market is marked as location #3 on the accompanying map.

Abbey of the Silent Flame

The old abbey in the central square is dedicated to a once-revered order. Now also falling into decline, the Order of the Silent Flame has greatly reduced their operations. The abbey in Emberthrone offers only moderate services of faith and is more a place of study. Scribes still maintain a vast archive in the lower levels of the abbey that holds many important documents of the orders history and relics of its faith. The abbey is marked as location #2 on the accompanying map.

Aylmuth Keep

The long time home to the head of House Aylmuth, this once glorious keep is falling into disrepair as the family coffers struggle to fund its upkeep. Meetings and negotiations with other houses are still commonly held as the once proud house works to regain it footing and return to prominence. The keep and the city itself remain a formidable defensive position, instilling a comfort of security to those within. Aylmuth Keep is marked as location #1 on the accompanying map.

Mines of Finger Peak

Emberthrone had its start as a humble mining camp near Finger Peak, a towering pillar of rock that looks much like a finger extending out of the range. Known for producing fine ore and precious minerals, the town grew to become a permanent fixture to support the budding industry. Decades ago, a collapse sealed off the deepest tunnels. Miners surviving the tragedy spoke strange sounds and eerie flickering lights in the dark. Concerns over safety – and things much worse – have left the mine abandoned sine the collapse.

Adventuring in Emberthrone

More than just a stopping point, Emberthrone can also serve as a starting point for adventures big and small. Provided here are some possible ideas and quest hooks to start things off. Focused on the area in and around town, these will offer a good variety of quest types that can be adjusted to any level of play. Over a single session or the start of a campaign, these are sure to set the stage and are sure to make Emberthrone a memorable city worth a second visit.

The Missing Caravan

As the influence of House Aylmuth waned, so too did the lustre of Emberthrone. With trade routes running through the city less travelled, opportunity for bandit raids has increased. A merchant caravan contain a wealth of goods has disappeared on the roads leading north out of the city and the owner will pay handsomely for its return. The party is hired to discover the fate of the caravan and return whatever cargo they can salvage.

Adventure Hooks:

The Merchant’s Feud

In the merchant’s life, access to trade routes means access to wealth. As part of the continual power struggle of fledgling houses, two merchants are now warring over control of the roads. Caught between warring houses the adventurers must make a choice with each side seeking allies for protection, sabotage, or eliminating their competition outright.

Adventure Hooks:

Lights in the Dark

With their tenuous hold on Emberthrone in the balance House Aylmuth is desperate for revenue and relevance. So desperate they have considered reopening the mines under Finger Peak. After the miners’ chilling accounts of what they saw, few have been willing to venture into the dark depths – fewer have returned.

Adventure Hooks:

Shadow in the Keep

A noble of House Aylmuth has gone missing! Rumors are swirling with fingers being pointed in all directions. Was this a political ploy or something worse? A thorough search of Aylmuth Keep may reveal clues to the disappearance.

Adventure Hooks:

Emberthrone is a city with a rich history and great hope for the future. Whether players find themselves embroiled in political intrigue, caught in a trade war, or just exploring the wilderness surrounding it, the city offers endless opportunities for adventure.

As a Game Master, feel free to shape Emberthrone to your needs. Whether it is a city on the edge of collapse, a bastion of past glory, or in the midst of battle, the city can fit into any world or tone you need. The adventure hooks provided can be expanded upon or edited to fit any play-style that appeals to you and your group.

For now, the fires of Emberthrone still burn bright – but for how long? That’s for you and your players to decide.

If you’d like to learn more about the City of Emberthrone and its place in the world of Aeltharis, you can read more on the blog. There you can read more about the history, politics, and geography that have shaped the city through time.

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